Bar BC Ranch

Quality lots driving uptick in Jackson Hole land sales

In my most recent post on, I discuss the slowly improving market for building sites in Teton County. And by slowly I do mean S-L-O-W, with just 38 sales* in the last 12 months compared to an average of 125 in the five years between October 2003 and October 2008. The uptick is measurable, however, as the sales since October 2010 are an increase of 61 percent over the previous 12...

August sales as extreme as Jackson weather

I love the Jackson Hole real estate market for the same reason I love the weather around here: it can be so extreme that everywhere else is boring by comparison. For example, among the 26 sales reported in August the least-expensive property was a bank-owned 2-bed condo for $95,000 and the most expensive a fabulous 41-acre building site for $9.5 million. That’s quite a spread, almost as interesting as...

April sales bring May-mentum

For the first time since 2007, Jackson Hole real estate unit sales reached 100 during the first four months of the year. After 23 sales in April for a total sales volume of approximately* $32 million, Teton County sales in 2011 now exceed $122 million, not far behind the $130 million recorded during this time period in the final “bubble” year of 2008. April 2011 also easily outperformed April 2010,...

Watching the clouds float by at Bar BC Ranch

I'm sitting in one of Jackson Hole's most scenic offices this afternoon. That picture to the right was taken earlier this month at Bar BC Ranch just up the road from the sales office, where I'll be until 6 p.m. today. While I have not seen a rainbow at the ranch this summer, I almost always enjoy a quiet afternoon of watching the clouds float by the Tetons and the north end of West Gros Ventre Butte....

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