Teton Pines

Jackson Hole Need to Know 2.26.14

All you had to do to find great snow last weekend was start climbing. The bootpack to Mount Glory is my favorite. Weather: Bluebird! There's the sun. Where's my camera? Starting to think about summer? Wyoming rocks then, too. Ride along with a Jackson Hole Mountain Resort snow groomer at 1 a.m. as he lays down the corduroy. Snowboarding is Impossible? I do not know that the word means what the author...

Today’s Jackson Hole Need to Know 2.20.14

Another day, another stint at the Teton Mountain Lodge sales desk. Weather: Schizophrenic, with unanticipated moments of clarity, but mostly committed to being moist with alternating slush and ice. Today’s Jackson Hole (Mountain Resort, mostly) links: Pow? Pow! Video proof of more than 100 inches in three weeks. Teton Valley, Idaho, is at 108 percent of the 30-year snowfall average, just about...

Jackson Hole Need to Know 1.15.14

Weather: High pressure is building. Well, OK. Nice to see the sun I guess but already looking to the radar for the next storm. #powderhound. "Taco Bell Couloir" as seen from Jackson Hole Sotheby's main office. If you look closely you will see a tiny avalanche. Jackson Hole links to make you think: So far, so good when it comes to Wyoming's snowpack. 17 percent above average at the moment. Firing...

Jackson Hole Need to Know 1.13.14

Weather: White goes with everything! Jackson Hole is in the Pow Zone with 44 inches in the last four days and more coming down. Nice hole! The site of a future mixed-use project adjacent to the Aerial Tram at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. Seen in the background is Hotel Terra and Teton Mountain Lodge. Jackson Hole news links: Hoback Bridge to finally open? I’ll believe it when I'm driving across...

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