Teton Mountain Lodge

Jackson Hole Need to Know 2.13.14

Weather: Gray day in the valley, as seen from the WyDOT camera atop Teton Pass. Weather: It's warm. Too warm. Rained in the valley last night. See WYDOT camera atop Teton Pass, one of my indispensable local links, for the color of the day. Links to make you think: Slim Weston, Grand Targhee and Western icon, passed this week. He was 72. Some “lessons learned” last weekend by three Jackson Hole...

Jackson Hole Need to Know 2.9.14

Welcome to my world. Thinking about turning pro after a week of storms kept my shovel at the ready. Weather: Pow! As in what fell from the sky in abundance and the ferocity of the quick-moving storm that slammed into Jackson Hole over the last 48 hours, dropping about two feet of high-density, wind-whipped snow. Jackson Hole news links: The Lux Traveller goes deep on the superficial Jackson Hole info...

Jackson Hole Need to Know 1.3.14

Weather: LOVE this moment, when the skies are low, the snow has started and the forecast is for up to 8 inches in the next 24 hours. And I have time tomorrow morning to hike Teton Pass. This bed and breakfast on the banks of the Hoback River will be coming to market in the next week. Contact me for details, or stay tuned for a Listing Focus later this month. Jackson Hole links: Jackson Hole Land Trust...

Today’s Jackson Hole Need to Know 1.1.14

Weather: It was all cotton candy and robin’s eggs today atop Teton Pass with puffy clouds, mostly blue skies and 7 inches of light-density snow that fell overnight. Happy New Year indeed! Little Tuckerman's Ravine from atop Mount Glory, which has an elevation of 10,033 feet. Links to Jackson Hole news: Powderhounds willing to pay $175 can load the Bridger Gondola at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort 30...

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