Flat Creek

Today’s Jackson Hole Need to Know: 5.15.14

This moose is remarkably consistent, found in the same place in the same stream every time I walk by. Also not very active, preferring to stare at that same spot in the river. Strange. Jackson Hole real estate activity: NEW: 3-bed 3,326-square-foot home in Bar B Bar Meadows on 3.47 acres, big Teton views, list $2.15 million. NEW: 37 acres in South Park in Flat Creek Fishing Club with .7 miles of trout...

Jackson Hole Need to Know 1.4.14

Weather: Humid, which is rare for here. Light snow obscuring the mountains, about 3 inches in town last night. The huevos rancheros at Nora's Fish Creek Inn were almost as delicious as the powder atop Teton Pass this morning. JH News Links: Flood? In winter? Yup. Flat Creek done froze solid again, water spilling over the banks in Hidden Ranch in West Jackson. Lots of stories today on the Wyoming...

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