
What you get for $300,000 in Jackson Hole: A 2-car garage!

There are now 20 active residential listings in the Town of Jackson listed below $300,000, which is 20 more than were available in 2008. However, until today, when a bank-owned 3-bed, 1,400 square foot townhouse in West Jackson was reduced to $299,000, not one of them included an enclosed garage. So what is a garage in Jackson worth? Well, most off-the-cuff answers might depend on how far below zero the...

Valentine’s Day closings boost Teton Village sales

Valentine’s Day closings on two Teton Village condominiums helped sustain a recent surge of activity in this coveted corner of Jackson Hole. The sales in Teton Mountain Lodge and Crystal Springs represented about $2.5 million of the approximately $18.4 million in sales volume in Teton Village since Dec. 1, 2010. Additionally, there are currently nine pending sales in Teton Village with a total list...

Huntsman family signs deal for Sotheby’s in Jackson Hole

Below is a copy of the press release that details Friday’s exciting news – the Jon M. Huntsman family has signed a 20-year franchise agreement that gives them control over the Sotheby’s offices in Jackson Hole, Driggs, Idaho and Sun Valley previously owned and managed by NRT, LLC. Saturday’s Jackson Hole Daily also included a nice summary. Contact me to discuss what this means to me and the...

Schechter: We’ve hit bottom Part 3

This week my favorite Jackson Hole economist, Jonathan Schechter, completes his three-part series on why the local economy has hit bottom with a look at taxable sales. While not nearly as fascinating (to me at least) as his analysis of real estate sales and inches of classified ads in the local newspapers, this week’s article also is a must read. (Unfortunately the Jackson Hole News&Guide...

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