Today’s Jackson Hole Need to Know

Today’s Jackson Hole Need to Know 12.27.13

Weather: Crisp and clear, winds but a whisper as high pressure rules Western Wyoming. The Aerial Tram line at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. Can you smell the stoke? Links, including one that stinks: Sadly, the big news out of Jackson Hole today is the death of a skier in the “sidecountry” just south of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. Mike Kazanjy died while descending Pucker Face on Cody Peak. Related...

Today’s Jackson Hole Need to Know Christmas Eve edition

Weather: We won’t have to dream of a white Christmas here in Jackson Hole – it’s here. Bluebird blower on the mountain today after a foot last night and more than 24 inches in the last few days! Blessings, love, prayers and all the best to all on this Christmas Eve from atop Mount Glory. News you can use: Today’s link is to, which I write for regularly. Story is a look at the...

Today’s Jackson Hole Need to Know: 12.22.13

Weather: The passing of the winter solstice is always nice. Still a bit of cold and dark to work through in the next few weeks, but hopefully this current snow cycle will continue for most of it. Not sure how to caption this picture of a dog seen poking his head through a fence in East Jackson last week ... comments? Jackson Hole News: Comprehensive piece on the new ownership at Snake River Sporting...

Today’s Jackson Hole Need to Know: 12.20.13

Weather: How much snow did we get in the last day? Not enough. Even when it dumps it’s not enough, but enough about my powder problem. Two inches is better than none, however. New development in Teton Village? Jackson Hole Mountain Resort staff works to create a snow park in the Village core. Jackson Hole News: This place is for the birds, according to a piece in a Seattle newspaper detailing the...

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