Today’s Jackson Hole Need to Know

Jackson Hole Need to Know: Amore edition

Another broomball season comes to a close, with One Dollar Sweeps taking the Rec League title. Weather: Sideways snow in downtown Jackson at the moment, with little change in the forecast. Biggest February for snow I can remember in many years. Jackson Hole links: LOST! Another group of snowmobilers spends a night in the woods. ROAD TRIP! Tahoe skier hits the road, finds the goods at JHMR and Teton...

Jackson Hole Need to Know 2.13.14

Weather: Gray day in the valley, as seen from the WyDOT camera atop Teton Pass. Weather: It's warm. Too warm. Rained in the valley last night. See WYDOT camera atop Teton Pass, one of my indispensable local links, for the color of the day. Links to make you think: Slim Weston, Grand Targhee and Western icon, passed this week. He was 72. Some “lessons learned” last weekend by three Jackson Hole...

Jackson Hole Need to Know 2.12.14

When it looks like the inside of a milk bottle outside my office, it's nice to remember that Jackson Hole is not always under a winter storm warning. Taken last summer on Town Square from a warm, sunny outside dining area. Weather: Dumping. Puking. Nuking. Winter storm warning in effect, again. Jackson Hole need to know news links: Low end in Jackson Hole was where it was at in 2013, perhaps not so...

Today’s Jackson Hole Need to Know 2.11.14

All ye who enter here are blessed! The south entrance to Grand Teton National Park. Weather: Another storm rolling in with steady snow all day, temps dropping, wind steady if not stiff. Jackson Hole news links: “Wyoming is in good financial shape and getting stronger,” says Governor Matt Mead in the annual State of the State address to lawmakers. I'm a sucker for a nice shot of skiing on Teton...

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