Today’s Jackson Hole Need to Know

Jackson Hole Need to Know: 2.28.14

Commercial listing in Rafter J, currently a restaurant and salon. Listed for $1.35 million. Weather: We've been warned: yet another big moisture storm is heading toward Jackson Hole. Bring it! Jackson Hole news links: How many mooses (Meece? Moosii?) are in your backyard? Local citizen scientists will want to know. How deep is the snow at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort in Rendezvous Bowl? Deepest since...

Jackson Hole Need to Know 2.27.14

The World Gelande Quaffing Championship took place in the Teton Village commons yesterday. Does anyone remember who won? Weather: After a brief batch of blue, gray is returning with ANOTHER winter storm approaching. Jackson Hole links to make you think: The first batch of 12 athletes were inducted into the Jackson Hole Ski Club Hall of Fame on Monday. It has been 100 years since Jackson became an...

Jackson Hole Need to Know 2.26.14

All you had to do to find great snow last weekend was start climbing. The bootpack to Mount Glory is my favorite. Weather: Bluebird! There's the sun. Where's my camera? Starting to think about summer? Wyoming rocks then, too. Ride along with a Jackson Hole Mountain Resort snow groomer at 1 a.m. as he lays down the corduroy. Snowboarding is Impossible? I do not know that the word means what the author...

Jackson Hole Need to Know 2.25.14

It's a puppy! That is all. Weather: The warm after the storm, with temps hitting 40 in town yesterday, no overnight freeze for first time all winter. News for Jackson Hole: Really nice piece on guides in general but Jackson Hole Mountain Resort guide Dave “The Wave” Miller in particular. “Wyoming's overall wellness score was 65.6, slightly lower than the national average of 66.2 percent.” The...

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