Weather: Love these days of low-angle light but cloudless skies. Makes taking great photos easy when the golden hour lasts most of the day.

Jackson Hole news you can’t lose: SF Gate is all over Jackson Hole ski folk with two articles. One is on Linsey Dyer, a Jackson Hole skier, and her project to get more women in skiing films. The other is an interview with Porter Fox, former Jackson Hole sports writer and current Powder Magazine editor. His recent book, DEEP, explores why there isn’t as much snow as there once was. Sigh.
Today’s Jackson Hole real estate news:
NEW: 3-bed Hotel Terra overlooking Teton Village core, $1.199m.
NOT SO NEW: 2-bed high-end condo at Pearl at Jackson, $899K. Was $799K in August. One of two remaining developer units in this 2009 mixed use building.