Weather: The warm after the storm, with temps hitting 40 in town yesterday, no overnight freeze for first time all winter.
News for Jackson Hole:
- Really nice piece on guides in general but Jackson Hole Mountain Resort guide Dave “The Wave” Miller in particular.
- “Wyoming’s overall wellness score was 65.6, slightly lower than the national average of 66.2 percent.” The state dropped from 13th to 34th in a nationwide wellness index.
- Fifty hearty pronghorn are toughing it out on National Elk Refuge, having failed to migrate with the rest of the herd.
- Jackson Hole High School wins the state Nordic competition, again – even with the loss of five top skiers to rules violations.
Teton County Multiple Listing Service Hotsheet Highlights:
- NEW: 2-bed Teton Shadows condo, updated very nicely, $525,000.
- SOLD: The last of the best entry-level deals in Teton Village? 2-bed, 745-square-foot Gros Ventre condo built in 1973 and listed for $285,000.
- SOLD: Premier 2.29-acre 3 Creek Ranch building site, list $2.35 million.
- PRICE REDUCED: The lowest-priced residential unit in Jackson Hole, a 2-bed Ponderosa Village condo, from $249,000 to $229,000.
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